The Biggest Changes Coming to the Influencer Marketing Industry


VIP Contributor
Influencer marketing is a huge industry. Brands and businesses pay a lot of money to the influencer to promote their products, and influencers are making a lot of money through brand deals and sponsorship. However, there are some changes coming to the influencer industry. Instead of promoting someone’s products or brands, influencers are creating their own products to make even more money. The influencers are not becoming creators, they are creating their own products, and building their own brands.

The influencers have now understood the value of their audience, and they want to own their audience and utilize their audience by launching their own brands. For influencers, this is more valuable than promoting someone else’s brands.

Traditional influencer marketing is almost dead, this is only surviving among the influencers who have just started. The more seasoned influencers are now selling their own products. If you are an influencer, you should think about this.


VIP Contributor
I think I understand what you are trying to say. If you have 100k followers on Instagram, you might earn $100-$200 per deal (estimated figure, influencer earn for than this). However, instead of promoting someone else's products, if you promote your own product and if only have 1 percent conversion, you will be able to sell 1000 products, if you made just $1 profit you will be able to make $1000 profits. Doesn't this look better than promoting someone else's product. If you have worked hard to build your following, you should be able to monetize your social media account by promoting your own product. There are a lot of methods to build your own products, for example, you can try print-on-demand and sell your own items, on social media. Normally, the markup is 20 percent profit with print-on-demand products, therefore, you will be able to make good money from influencer marketing.