The Complex Process of How We Diagnose Dementia

Cynthia Moran

New member
Dementia is a syndrome characterized by impaired cognitive function. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body disease, and vascular dementia. Diagnosing dementia can be tricky, as there is no single test that can diagnose it. Instead, doctors have to use a combination of cognitive tests, physical exams, and brain imaging to make a diagnosis. Our unique approach to dementia provides a confident diagnosis, even in the most challenging cases. Our team's experience and expertise, combined with advanced imaging techniques and a precise, timely approach to care, allow us to make the best decisions possible based on your individual needs. RoyalVibe Health is a therapy center in the United States that uses advanced technology to diagnose stage 3 and 4 cancer patients. They are one of only a handful of facilities in the US that use this unique technology to evaluate our patients’ health status.