All You Need to Know About the Mysterious Vitamin- B Complex


Vitamin B Complex is a mysterious vitamin. Every cell in your body contains it, and it's necessary for healthy bodily operation. What does it do, though? How do you obtain it, too?

The truth is, we still don't know much about Vitamin B Complex. There's some evidence that it helps with energy production, but there are also studies that suggest that it may help with memory and cognitive function as well. It also helps to regulate metabolism by stimulating enzymes and hormones that control this process. The deficiency of vitamin B complex can lead to fatigue, weakness, anemia and impaired growth. Vitamin B Complex is a mysterious vitamin.

That said, there are plenty of things we can do to increase our intake of this vitamin. whether you're looking to up your intake or just wondering how it works, here are some tips:

1) Eat more fruits and vegetables they're full of all kinds of vitamins! The best ones are leafy greens (spinach, kale), broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, bell peppers (yellow or red), and tomatoes (red).

2) Eat fermented foods. fermented foods like yogurt contain probiotics that help boost the production of vitamin B complex in your gut. You can also drink kombucha tea or eat sauerkraut regularly!