The experience you can't forget.


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There are some stages in life that is amazing. I could recall when I was in primary school, we used to sing when we saw aeroplane on sky "the moving aeroplane, help me greet my mother the pap seller, two pap is enough for me to dose my hunger". Apart from that, we put our legs in sounds to build houses for birds, we used to bath in rains, those that went to public school will understand what am saying. But this time around, private school has but an end to such things. Infact childhood memories is what I could not forget. Can you share the experience that still rings in your mind here?
The experience I can never forget is related to money as money that 80% of my thinking, I invest money on MMM a have realized half a million but am not satisfied with it then we have another site which is called digital club that promises 100% return of investment in a week I place $500 in it and when its time to withdraw we have an issue, I feel like dying.
Experience I can never forget is using my mom cash to play online Betting and still invest my dad money in to an online business which I didn't know much about.
Though I did the business because my friends are cashing out from the platform but when it remain two days for me to withdraw the whole platform crash and never came back.
I can never forget that experience because I heard the story of my life till my heart almost sized
Experience I can never forget is using my mom cash to play online Betting and still invest my dad money in to an online business which I didn't know much about.
Though I did the business because my friends are cashing out from the platform but when it remain two days for me to withdraw the whole platform crash and never came back.
I can never forget that experience because I heard the story of my life till my heart almost sized
I also had a similar experience. I invested certain amount of many for an online business it remained some few days for to cash out, there came a notification for upgrading of account and since then nothing came up. Although I invested through my boss who had the money refunded. This bring me to the conclusion that online business is more risky than any other type of business.
The experience I can't forget are many but there is this one related to money and business. I wanted to start a business which I don't know anything about, instead of getting a full training on it, I thought I can learn on the business which I did though,but it cost me all the capital I put on it at the initial stage before I started it again.
Memories are one of the things that always lingers in our mind each time a scene relating to those memories replays again. My unforgettable memory was the day i broke my daddy's picture frame. He had warned me never to cross that path but on my quest to clean the house thinking i was doing right i broke the frame and i recieved the beating of my life for the first time

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