The Glow-Boosting Complexion Trick For Brown Skin


When it comes to getting a beautiful glow, there are a few tricks you can use to boost your skin's natural luminosity. Here are my favorite tips for achieving that liquid gold complexion.

1. Start With A Clean Canvas: Make sure your makeup is clean and clear before applying any products. Also, make sure all products are completely dry before applying them.

2. Use A Tinted Moisturizer: A tinted moisturizer will help the foundation glide on evenly, so you won't have streaking or blotches that ruin your look!

3. Don't Underestimate The Power Of Concealer: Concealer can be used as an all-over base for your face and neck, as well as a spot treatment for blemishes or scars. Just don't cover too much of what you want to highlight!

4. Be Careful With Glitter: Glitter can be tricky when applying it to your face because it can easily get everywhere. especially if you're not careful! If you're going for glittery eyeshadow, try using an eyeliner pencil first before gluing on the glitter so that way none gets wasted!