The Link Between Brand Reputation and Competitive Advantage.


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A brand reputation is simply the general opinion that outsiders form and hold about a business and a brand. A brand reputation is very important in business and it affects the ability of a business to compete in the market. Let's dig deeper to review how brand reputation affects the ability of a business to stay competitive in a crowded and highly competing market.

1) Brand reputation affects trust and credibility: The perception people have about your brand and business would surely affect how much they would patronize your products. You can make huge sales just because the perception that people have about your brand is positive.

2) Brand reputation affects customer loyalty: If the people perceive your brand in good light, they would easily become repeat buyers and vice versa.

3) Reduced costs of marketing: When your brand is known to have a good reputation, your products would sell itself. People would always choose your products over competition because the brand is known for positive attributes.