The risk of the hypo and hyper condition of the blood sugar level


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To be honest, I am not well-versed with diabetes maybe because I am not diabetic. But there are many diabetics in my circle. My wife’s niece who has diabetes since she was 14 is now 30 and already having insulin shots every day. At midnight she is wakened by her mother to check on her blood sugar. When the blood sugar is very low she is given something to eat and drink.

It is confusing to know that blood sugar level can fluctuate from high to low. Then it is high you can be threatened by a stroke. I know an old woman whose lower part of the body is paralyzed due to a stroke caused by diabetic. Another friend died in his sleep and it was presumed that the lever of his blood sugar dipped very low. For the diabetics here, you should know the hypoglycemia and the hyperglycemia.
I wish you explained the last term used in your post. This is for us to learn the difference between the two and to know the symptoms of one from the other. In other word, I wish your niece a quick recovery, I only try as mcuh as I could to prevent having diabetes.