The Sweet Truth About Reverse Washing Your Hair


Before deciding to reverse wash your hair, there are some points you need to be aware of.

First of all, not all will enjoy this procedure. It's not for people who don't like the feel of their hair or have a lot of it to deal with. If that's you, then we suggest you stick with the regular way of washing your hair.

However if you want to try reverse washing, here are a few suggestions:

1. Always use conditioner after shampooing and conditioning. This will help distribute the shampoo evenly throughout your hair so that it doesn't pool in one area.

2. Use warm water not hot or cold when washing your hair. If you don't want your scalp to get too sunburned, use lukewarm water instead of cold water; this will help keep your scalp comfortable while preventing damage from the sun's rays (and they're very strong).

3. Always wash with conditioner! This step is important because it helps lock in moisture and reduces frizziness in your hair (which is caused by dryness).