These habits can damage the eyes


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Our eyes is arguably one of the most special organs in our body.So we must put of in efforts to take care of our eyes to prevent eye defects and eye problems.Here are some of the habits we should avoid to prevent eye defects or problems.....
1.Looking St the sky during the day.
2.Staying too close to a on TV set or mobile phone.You should be at least 2m away from a on TV set(including laptops and large screens) and 30-50cm away from your mobile phone (including iPad, iPod,tablets and mini-laptops).
3.Rubbing your eyes with your palm or fingers.
4.Blowing the eyes with your mouth.
5.Opening your eyes widely in a pool.
6.Rubbing ointment in the eyes.
7.Hitting the eyes
8.Looking at a bright light with the eyes widely opened.
9.Nothing having enough sleep.
10.Not eating fruits and vegetables like carrots and onions that improve eyesight at least once in a week.

All these things and so much more I haven't mentioned are some of the habits you should stop to increase eyesight and not welcoming eye problems.
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