Things you need to know, to keep the body healthy


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One of the biggest mistakes people make while on a weight loss journey is not eating after they exercise. Many people think that not eating after they work out will help them lose weight; however, this is not the case. While exercising is amazing for your health in the long term, it actually puts a lot of stress on the body.

If you don’t refuel properly after your workout, it can be detrimental to your body, making it hard for your body to recover and for you to see results. Rather than starving yourself after a workout, help your body repair itself and build muscle by consuming a meal within 30 to 45 minutes after exercising.

This meal should contain a minimum of 20 to 25 grams of high-quality protein. While it can be a challenge to get a full meal during that time, protein shakes are a quick and easy way to meet this need. The type of workout you do will determine your body’s carbohydrate needs. I

f you are doing an intense cardio or endurance workout, aim for a 3-to-1 carbohydrate to protein ratio post-workout. For example, if you have a shake with 20 grams of protein, try adding some fruit and aim for 60 grams of carbohydrates.
If you are doing a lighter intensity or resistance-based workout, your body doesn’t need quite as many carbohydrates, so shoot for a 1-to-1 carbohydrate to protein ratio. Don’t stress too much about the perfect ratio, the most important thing is to make sure you eat! An additional benefit of consuming a high-quality protein shake post-workout is that it can keep you from making poor food choices later.

Too often we don’t eat when leaving the gym, and by the time we get home, we’re so hungry that we reach for the first thing we see, which is typically sugary food. When you get calories immediately post-workout, you’ll find that you won’t feel that crash, and it will be so much easier to make healthier choices when you get home.

There are several foods that can help with muscle soreness. Dark berries are a good choice because of the high amounts of antioxidants. In particular, recent studies have shown that tart cherries have been associated with helping reduce muscle soreness. Adding berries to a protein shake post-workout can be beneficial in the recovery process.

Lastly, turmeric is a spice that has been shown to be beneficial post-workout and at night before sleep. Turmeric can be taken in capsules, as a powder or in liquid form. Ultimately, the most important thing you can do post-workout is supply your body with the nutrients it needs. Consuming adequate amounts of protein post-workout will allow you to build muscle, which in the long term will help you increase your metabolism and get you closer to your body composition goa
There are so many things you can do to make your body healthy. This include eating good food and wearing
Cleaning clothes. It is also good to eat fruits and vegetables. Make sure you don't eat solids foods in the night to get ride of high level of cholesterol. This make me remember my brother that doesn't bother to take care of him self. He developed stroke that lead to paralysis. This is caused by nonchalant attitude to his health. He refused to eat good foods and he doesn't like fruits at all. This is great problem when someone does not eat enough fruits. Vitamin is a good source of vitamins ad minerals. He eventually died after some years.
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Healthy lifestyle should be the number one goal of an average human. We should always wish to make sure we live the life we wish for by engaging in some things that can aid that dreamt life. The following are some of those acts we can embark on to make sure we live a normal life.

Positive lifestyle is the first on my list. We should desist from some acts that are inimical to our health. We don't need to be a bibulous or chain smokers. Cautionally, I am not condemning those that smoke nor I am chiding those that drink. I only recommend responsible drink.

Eating well should be the next thing. Just like the poster opinied. Losing weight doesn't involve starving ourselves. We need to make sure that we eat and not only to eat but to eat balanced diet. We should endeavour to make sure that the foods that we eat have the necessary composition in them.

Sleeping is a natural healer. We need rest, our bodies need rest. We should try to sleep for st least 6 hours everyday. This will not only rejuvenate our boides but also prepare our bodies for the next activities that we need to do.
There are a lot of things through which you can make your body healthy and fit. And I think the most important thing is your diet. Try to eat healthy and nutritious food which contain carbohydrates, vitamins and fibers which your body needed . Add fruits and vegetables in your diet plane because these things helps your body to maintain your fitness and healthiness except things if you eat fruits and vegetables then these will make your skin glowing and shiny naturally and you don't need to use any makeup products. Secondly always eat food in a balance amount because as we know that excess of everything is bad . And the excess concentration of any nutrients can leads to many health related problems and issues.
Besides this if we want to make our body healthier then we should take out some time from our routine busy schedule and mist go out for outing with your family and friendsbecause doing continously work can lead to stress,depression and also make your body week. So don't put too much load of work on your body and mind which your body cannot bear otherwise it proves harmful for your body health . Thank you.
There are a lot of tips to keep the body healthy like getting enough rest daily make sure you always have like six hours sleep daily so you can be stress free and your brain will also be able to function properly because when you don't have enough rest is can trigger some illness in the body which will affect your health.

Avoid consumption of alcohol or smoking of cigarettes as that can be detrimental to your health so when you avoid these harmful substances you can be able to have a healthy body because those that smoke or drink alcohol they don't usually have a healthy life they always have some kind of diseases in the body so if you can be able to avoid this harmful substances you will be able to reduce the risk of developing some kind of diseases in the body which will make you to have a healthy body.

Avoid eating high calories food as that can make you to have high cholesterol in the body which will increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease or kidney problem so when you monitor the kind of food you intake it will reduce the risk of developing some diseases in the body