Thoughts on UserTesting


New member
UserTesting is a site which would allow you to earn by reviewing websites. You basically need to pass an assessment before they'll hire you. Some of the tests would pay you $60 just to know what your thoughts or review on the website is.

I've registered a month ago on the site but I've yet to accomplish a test and give my review.

To those who have already tried UserTesting, how was the experience and how long before you had your first test? How much was the highest you've been paid for reviewing a site?
I have been sign into user testing but no luck for me. Mostly I receive test for atleat 3hours interval before other test will pop-up but I never pass their assessment. I am keeping my dashboard open most of the time but no test are poping out.It's been 3-4 days I think.
90% of the tests are for full time employees. if you see a test where the option full time employee exists you can be sure you will get kicked for choosing anything else. their biggest flaw is that they don't do demographics. you will get plenty of tests asking if you live in some far away country or speak a different language.