Trading system using arbitrage opportunities


New member
I'll kick this off by saying I have been part of the crypto world for a little over 3 years.

In my time I have spent thousands of hours, like many, scrolling through forums, discord groups, telegram channels etc trying to find projects that will make me good money. I have built up quite a network of people from all over the world. I've had my fair share of being rugged on random "shit coin" plays but have also made considerable money on many projects. Crypto has allowed for me to take up some investment opportunities I otherwise might not have been able to and it quite literally has given me the fiancial freedom everyone talks about.

It is important to note I quite simply put it down to mostly pot luck with a few good informed decisions along the way. I don't read charts, there is no secret for me other than right place, right time, right investment. Scrolling through I have noticed quite a few threads in relation to passive income so thought I'd share a recent experience I've had.

I was DM'd by a fellow crypto friend who shilled to me an arbitrage bot that he claimed could earn me up to 3.3% daily on my investment.. He said he'd been in it for around three weeks and doubled his investment. He gave me a massive spiel on how amazing it was and how I shouldn't over look this one blah, blah, blah. Anyway, long story short I took a quick look and passed it off as a bit too high risk for my liking.

A few days later I went back and had a more in depth look. There were reviews of it being a scam, a ponzi scheme and it was definitely shaping up to be more of a high risk play. In my mind it did scream rug! I joined the discord and scrolled through, there were so many positive posts and I still assumed it was too good to be true, these things usually are right?! I waited a day and got massive FOMO and figured with my recent crypto gains I was willing to take a punt. I established a game plan and chucked in an amount I was willing to lose (just in case).

Here I am and I have honestly been blown away, I have been in it around 5 weeks, doubled my money after 22 days, have now taken out my initial and have let the rest of the profit ride for a while. I intend to take profits weekly.

For anyone that's still reading it's an arbitrage bot where you can have it automatically take up arbitration opportunities for gains of around 0.3% every 2 hours or so. You can trade manually by the click of a button or with a simple VPS setup to set up a script it will autotrade for you, you make around 3.3-3.6% daily. I entered with caution but after seeing the return on investment I did put more in after around 5 days or so.

The withdrawal process is quick and simple and the compound gains are incredible. Like any investment I encourage you to DYOR and only put in what you can afford to lose as you never know how long these platforms will last. If you are interested to know more send me a message and I'm happy to help and point you in the right direction