Turning your WhatsApp Into a Bank


New member
The Good thing about this whatsapp money engine service is anyone either learned or an illiterate can successfully generate income .

It's has worked for me and that of other people's who took the opportunity when and while they can .
I have heard Whatsapp doesn't allow ads or commercial transactions. So, what are the other methods you are suggesting to earn from Whatsapp? I know that you can only promote your stuffs on Whatsapp, for that it can be a good tool, but that too should be done with a balance, it's not right to spam.
You don't tell us the process by which you do turn your whatsap to your bank. All I know is that there is whatsapp business that does allow business to be promoted on it and also there is chance for ads to be uploaded on the status which can also serve as a way of making money.