Use of anti biotics should be limited.


Verified member
The use of medicines should be limited. This is especially true for antibiotics for this reasons.
Poisoning and reactions,antibiotics not only kill bacteria they can also harm the body either by poisoning it or by causing allergic reactions. How many people are dying each year because they take antibiotic which they don't need. Upsetting the natural balance.
Not all bacteria in the body harmful some are necessary for the body to function normally. Antibiotic oven kill the good bacteria along with the harmful ones. Babies who are given antibiotics sometimes develop fungus infections of the mouth or skin. This is because the antibiotic kills the bacteria that help keep fungus under control. Resistant to treatment.
The most important reason while antibiotic should be limited. When antibiotics are used too much they become less effective. All these to be consider. when it is time to take antibiotic we must consult expert doctor that will give us precautions to follow.


Active member
Antibiotics should only be used based on a medical doctor's prescription. Self-medicating with antibiotics can have disastrous results, with some ending in death. Some people take antibiotics based on the advice of a friend or relative. This is dangerous because drugs can produce varying effects on different people and these include discomfort and severe allergic reactions. Antibiotics must be taken based on the duration and quantities prescribed by the doctor. Some people stop taking antibiotics the moment they start feeling well. This isn't right because it will not give your body the full protection it needs. The bacteria will also likely come back with a vengeance. On the other hand, taking antibiotics needlessly for a prolonged period can make the bacteria resistant to drugs. This erroneous practice has led to the proliferation of germs that are even harder to treat. In time, the antibiotics you are using now may become inadequate for some types of mutated bacteria.​


VIP Contributor
It is very much ideal with what you've said. Antibiotics shouldn't be taking all the time, we should simply seek the doctors advise first before taking any sort of such drug, in order not to abuse it. When it is prescribed by our own without the advise of the health expert, we shouldn't take laws into our hands by prescribing it. Such have led to untimely death of an individual which no one could explain what incident happened. Some might even go as far as possible labelling it poison from it's enemy, but they never knew it is the fault of the victim, through wrong prescription of antibiotics.