Ways to get vitamin D during winter season


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This might sound somehow to some people due to kind of location they happen to be in, and when I say this, I am not trying to be racial or something relating to it. It is just that in this kind of case, it is obvious that not all countries in the world posses winter as one of their regular seasons every year. Somewhere like Nigeria does not experience a season like that and this means that there is no way one can actually explain in which someone from such location would ever understand. But someone from a place like the United States of America will definitely have a better understanding about this.

If you are the kind of person that is very sensitive in taking care of your health then you should know how important vitamins are in the body system, specifically the vitamin D that we are currently talking about. Here some of the ways to go about it.

Making use of lights
Eating the right foods

Making use of lights: Normally, lights happen to be one of the good agents of heat, especially the UV types, they generate heats easily. Using this in such weather will surely warm the body and help one extract the vitamin D

Eating the right foods: Well I am not a medical doctor but from my research, It was made known to me that there are some food that will give one this kind of vitamin.