What are the impacts of technology in business.


VIP Contributor
Technology itself absolutely play a very important role in the life and in the existence of a business organisation. But how do we know this? Well, that can be absolutely explained if we should take our mind back to the time in which business owners and business managers were always using the manual and crude way of business practice. Long before technology and modernization took over the business world, business owners and business managers were always carrying out business practices and responsibilities manually for example, the documentation of business monetary records and transactionary events were always kept in paper form and booklets, and according to research and studies the manual way of business bookkeeping was always prone to errors and mistakes and sometimes the business records summation and finalization was always given based on assumption and approximation which is absolutely not good and advised.

Also before the introduction of technology, the transaction of raw materials and finished goods either from where they are brought to where they are to be transformed into finished goods or from where they are being transformed into finished goods down to where they are to be sold either to wholesalers retailers and final consumers was always cumbersome and time-consuming. But technology made provision of the transport systems where we can choose to carry goods and raw materials of different categories whether fragile, perishable, and bulky either via cargo motors, aeroplane and sea vessels.
They are lot of business that one could involve in and as the world keep moving forward how businesses are handled also changes ,many of us could remember in the past how most business are being run using mechanical methods it most time require huge amount of man power for production and distribution to be completed.

But things has Change over the years whereby one does not need huge manpower to run his business and it not time consuming whereby one could take a day to complete a particular tasks but with the right tech one could complete a task before the eye blinks.

So another we need to consider us that this modern techs can be use by anyone including men and women if only they know how to used this tech but using mechanical material may require forces and at timed it may be impossible for elderly ones and female gender to participate in it.

So can see the great impart having this item can create it makes buying and selling easy and fast it not cumbersome to understand and most of this tech are potable a easy to carry around.
I think the most obvious way that technology has had a great impact on businesses is automation using artificial intelligence.
Robots have undoubtedly revolutionized nearly all industries and we should not underestimate their usefulness.
I believe that automation tools will improve more and more in the near future and we will handover jobs from humans to robots. They have much higher IQ levels than human beings as well.