What Causes the Ulcers of the the Skin?


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Ulcers of the skin caused by poor Circulation.

Skin ulcer it large, open sores, have many causes. However, chronic ulcers on the ankles of older persons, especially in women with varicose veins, usually come from poor circulation.

The blood is not moving fast enough trough the legs. Such ulcers may become very large . The skin around the ulcers is dark but, shiny, and very thin. Often the foot is swollen.

When you notice this; the treatment that one can apply is that:

- These Ulcers that am talking about heal very slowly and only if great care is taken. Most important : keep the foot up as high as often as possible. Sleep with it on pillows. During the day, rest with the foot up high every 15 or 20 minutes. Walking helps the circulation, but standing in one place and sitting with the feet down are harmful.

- Put warm compresses of weak salt water on the Ulcer - 1 teaspoon salt to a liter of boiled water.
Cover the ulcers loosely with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Keep it clean . Honey may help also.

- Support the varicose veins with elastic stockings or bandages. Continue to use these and to keep the feet up after the ulcer heals. Take great care not to scratch or injure the delicate scar.

What causes Ulcers of the skin?
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