What is marketing all about.


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Majority of Us may have been taught about the commercial activity of marketing mostly in our secondary schools and high schools . This thread is basically going to explain what marketing is all about and why we need marketing for a particular business to prosper and to be successful . By definition of explanation marketing simply means the exchange of a particular business commodity , products , or services for cash . To be more elaborate the concept of marketing totally explains how goods and products of a particular commodity should be exchange for a particular bidded price usually known as the cost . Without marketing in business a particular business organisation wouldn't be successful and for a business to market a product it totally depends on where this business is actually situated .

Marketing totally determines business prosperity and profitability . The area in which a business is been situated totally determines a potential rate of which its products and services will be marketed to members of the public or two individuals who are actually in need of the business services and commodities . The marketing of a particular product can actually be affected by the involvement of the government . Government can actually help an aid business marketing , by improving business marketing structure and also reduce the cost of producing commodities and services so that they could be bought .
Marketing is said to be the activity, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customers, partners, and the society at large. It has to do with the general buying and selling or delivering of goods and services respectively. It is an ongoing communications exchange with customers in a way that educates, informs and builds a relationship over time. It is the process of building your brand, convincing people that your brand is the best and protecting the relationships you build with your customers.

There are some keys to marketing of goods and services, and they are popularly called the 4Ps, these 4Ps represents the Product, the Price of the product, the Place of your marketing and your way of Promoting your goods and services.

You can use different marketing strategies to make your business a boom. You can do give away, give your customers incentives and win their trust by having a good communication with them and satisfying their demands, when you are able to do that, you can ask them to refer other customers to your business. Customers are the best referrals, they can convince other people to pertronize you if they see how well you are treating them.
Marketing has been well defined by those posters above me. It involves the way by which the business owners promote their goods and products in a way that it will reach the last consumers. There are many ways by which these can be done and there are some strategies to be put in place before this can be done.

The kind of product the business owner deals with will determine the kind of marketing strategy to be used. There are some products that only need traditional marketing which means using oral advertisment.

Then the place where the products need to be marketed is also another factor to be considered. For instance, a seller of books should know that her products will sell more around school environment than any other places. This at times may involve market segmentation where the intending business owner needs to go and study the concentration of the intending buyers.

What are the price of the products and who can afford it? Is it everybody that can afford the product or the products only target the elite of the society. This will allow the intending business owner to know who to focus while trying to market the goods and products.
Marketing can be defined in a lot of ways.
marketing can is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to a customer...
Marketing can also be see as the process by which companies create customer interest in product or service...it can also be seen from the social angel as societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction... marketing differs from selling in the sense that selling concern itself with the trick and techniques of getting people to exchange their Cash for your product. It is not concerns with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not,as marketing invariably does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create,arouse and satisfy customer needs..in other words, marketing has less to do with getting customer to pay for your product . It is involved in developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's need.
.so with this you can know all about marketing now..
Not every business owner actually know what marketing is to get a business . Marketing have been concretely defined as a way in which business goods or commodities are being transferred from the producer to the wholesaler and from the wholesaler to the retailer and now from the retailer to the final consumer . Marketing have not been accomplished until the goods being produce reach the final consumers . Every business needs market for a product to be sold and the absence of market for a particular business simply means that such business will end up being unhealthy and just as we know and or unhealthy business is prone to shut down or go bankrupt or even liquidate soon enough .

To find market for your product it is advised to sit with your business in an area where it will be conducive for it to be successful . If you sit with your business in an area not conducive for your business to grow and develop possibilities are your business will not reach its full potential to impact the environment in which it has been situated . You must sit with your business in an area that it will have impacts to members of the public and it will benefit them in one way or the other .
Marketing is the process of creating value for a company through the creation and distribution of products or services. It is the driving force behind every business, and it is what determines whether a company is successful or not. There are three main aspects to marketing: product, price, and promotion.

The first aspect of marketing is product. A company must have a product or service that is appealing to customers and that meets their needs. The product must be of high quality and be able to compete with other products in the market.

The second aspect of marketing is price. The price of a product must be set in a way that will maximize profits for the company. It must be low enough to attract customers, but high enough to make a profit.

The third aspect of marketing is promotion. Promotion is the process of getting the word out about a product or service. It is important to promote a product in a way that will reach the target market.
With the little knowledge I have gain here in trendi and other places, I will say marketing is all about the process of getting people to be interested in your company, product or service. It is a process carried out in other to meet the needs of consumers and then achieve the purpose of profit for the company or organization.
In a lay man knowledge and understanding, marketing refers to an act of understanding and anticipating customer wants, needs, and what customers desires. We can as well called marketing as the process of planning and executing the promotion, pricing, conception, and distribution of ideas or goods to bring about changes in sales, behaviour, popularity among others.

Although, alot of business owners nowadays does not know how to carried out marketing effectively for their business and products, some has little or no results all because they fail to know how to market their products and brand effectively. However, internet has made marketing easier for business owners nowadays, all thanks to technology.you can easily market your products and brand through social media such as ( twitter, instagram linkedin facebook) among others. You can as well carried out advertisements on radio stations, TV, or even billboards. There is also email marketing which is very easy and quick to use. The goal of marketing your products or brand is to reach out to people who are interested in what you have to offer and let them have interest in it.

In conclusion, Marketing is classified into two different parts, and these are traditional and digital marketing.

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