What is Sleep Apnea and do I Have it?


A severe disorder called sleep apnea may make you stop breathing while you're asleep. It's a medical condition that has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until recently that scientists have been able to diagnose it with better accuracy and understanding.

Most people don't even know they have sleep apnea because it's not something that you're able to feel in your body. However, if sleep apnea is not addressed, it can result in major health issues including high blood pressure and heart illness.

How do I know if I have sleep apnea?

If you regularly snore loudly while sleeping, or if you wake up many times during the night unable to breathe normally, then there's a good chance you might have sleep apnea. If these symptoms sound familiar, ask your doctor about having an overnight sleep study done at the hospital so they can look inside your throat and make sure that no blockages are present.