What is the causes of Varicose Veins?


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Varicose veins are veins that are swollen, twisted, and often painful. They are often seen on the legs of older people and women who are pregnant or who have had many children.

There is no medicine for varicose veins. But the following will help.

- Do not spend much time standing or sitting with your feet down. If you have no choice but to sit or stand for long periods, try to lie down with your feet up for a few moments every half hour. When standing , try walking on the spot, or repeatedly lifting your heels off the ground and putting them back down . Also, sleep with your feet up (on pillows).

- Use elastic stockings ( support hose) or elastic bandages to help hold in the veins. Be sure to them off at night.

- Taking care of your veins in this way will help prevent chronic sores or varicose ulcers on the ankles.