What is your view on this statement " Experience is the best Teacher"


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As the saying experience is the best teacher, how does it apply to business? Does someone really need to have a personal experience about a particular business before venturing into it or the the statement has no relevance at all. Please let's discuss.
Yes experience is the best teacher because when you are being taught you might not get the picture but once it happens to you immediately you get the picture and will easily teach others on same issue. If its in terms of failure you will know better steps to follow to avoid same failure
Yes experience is the best teacher because when you are being taught you might not get the picture but once it happens to you immediately you get the picture and will easily teach others on same issue. If its in terms of failure you will know better steps to follow to avoid same failure
That's a wonderful one but I think as much as experience is the best teacher, learning from other people experience will be the best because learning from personal experience might be costly sometimes because it might bring a permanent scar.
Yes experience is the best teacher because when you are being taught you might not get the picture but once it happens to you immediately you get the picture and will easily teach others on same issue. If its in terms of failure you will know better steps to follow to avoid same failure
Absolutely correct but come to think of it sometimes we had certain experience and yet we still repeat the process through which we had the experience again the experience is not good this time because we would not have issue if its a good one, but the result brings failure in business or whatever and yet we found ourselves repeating it again. How about that?
Yes experience is the best teacher because when you are being taught you might not get the picture but once it happens to you immediately you get the picture and will easily teach others on same issue. If its in terms of failure you will know better steps to follow to avoid same failure
Okay even if we learn from experience either from our personal ones or people around, though it is a good one and we have a good result. I will keep doing things that same way, I think it will make the quality of delivery of products and services to be stagnant and you know it will not give room for innovation in what we are doing. What do you think?
Absolutely correct but come to think of it sometimes we had certain experience and yet we still repeat the process through which we had the experience again the experience is not good this time because we would not have issue if its a good one, but the result brings failure in business or whatever and yet we found ourselves repeating it again. How about that?
Funny though but you are right what we meant by experience being the best teacher is by repeating a particular mistake that leads to failure. Therefore repeatation of a particular event or particular process is never the problem but repeating those steps which lead to the failure is such as time factor, if you used your time well
It is better to learn from experience than learn from failing when you get experience it means you are either a product of success or failure, it's easier to use experience to overcome a a situation than to use your happenings. Its just like repeating a class,the next time a retest is done you will definitely come out better than before.
As the saying experience is the best teacher, how does it apply to business? Does someone really need to have a personal experience about a particular business before venturing into it or the the statement has no relevance at all. Please let's discuss.
As a toddler growing up...you pass through different stages of growing up; sitting, crawling, standing and then walking, during each stages they have make different attempts which they have failed so many times before success its achieved and that its experience. As an adult you can't wake up one morning and decide to start sewing without prior knowledge of it and that serve as your experience.
Without experience the world would not be in the way it is experience is the best teacher this statement is 100% true imagine in the business environmentfor a business to stand effectively the business owner must go through different mistakes and if he is wise enough he won't want to go back to the same mistakes in this case he is learning from his past experiences to better future of his business
Try applying for a job that you have read about but have no experience. The interviewer will surely ask about your experience in the kind of work. And why does this question always pop up when hiring a new worker? That is a simple explanation of how you would understand the adage that experience is the best teacher.