What It Takes To Earn Passive Income


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Before we get into the passive income ideas I think it’s a good idea to first clear up a couple of misconceptions. Although the word “passive” makes it sound like you have to do nothing to bring in the income this just isn’t true. All passive income streams will require at least one of the following two elements:
1) An upfront monetary investment, or
2) An upfront time investment
You can’t earn residual income without being willing to provide at least one of these two. Because it's important to remember what passive income is NOT . Passive income is not your job, it's not freelancing, or working online. Passive income is doing something once, then earning rewards from it into the future.
Today, I have a big list of passive income ideas you can try regardless of the category you fall in Which are :
1. Dividend Stocks
2. Rental Properties
3. High Yield Savings Accounts And Money Market Funds
4. Crypto Passive Income Opportunities
5. CD Ladders
6. Annuities
7. Invest Automatically In The Stock Market
8. Invest In A REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)
9. Invest In A Business
10. Invest In Student Income-Share Agreements
11. Refinance Your Mortgage
12. Pay Off Or Reduce Debt
13. Peer to Peer Lending
14. Don't Forget Your Matching Contributions
15. Sell an eBook Online
16. Create a Course on Udemy
17. Selling Stock Photos
18. Licensing Music
19. Create an App
20. Affiliate Marketing
21. Network Marketing
22. Design T-Shirts
23. Sell Digital Files on Etsy
24. List Your Place On Airbnb
25. Rent Out Your Space
26. Car Wash
27. Rent Out Your Car
28. Vending Machines
29. Storage Rentals
30. Laundromat
31. Cashback Rewards Cards
32. Cashback Sites
33. Get Paid To Have An App On Your Phone
34. Use Cashback Apps
Explore and earn passive income online
It takes a lot of patience and consistent before you can make passive income regularly. Most people usually think that you don't need to do any work if you want to end passive income either both online and offline.

This is one of the reason why majority of them are unable to achieve the dream of making passive income. Whichever business you want to earn passive income from, you are going to put in a lot of effort as the initial stage before you can earn passive income.

Let us take blogging in for instance. You need to put in a front load of contents on your blog at the first six months because you are not going to receive any free traffic. it is even going to take a longer time if you are targeting difficult keyboard on your website.

Large majority of the new website usually experience a soundbox effect for a period of six months to nine months of its existence. However you begin to make consistent income once your website is generating over 100,000 session in a month.

It can be very difficult to achieve passive income if you are not patient enough and always look for instant gratification in everything you do.