What should you do when your child has a chickenpox?


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Chickenpox is a condition that is caused by some virus and the symptoms of this infectious disease are that the rashes will apear on all your body and itching start on your body this is highly contagious dieases it means it is transmitted from person to person so if your child has face this disease then keep it away from other child and persons it is not too dangerous but also proves harmful for those who have weak immune system so if your child has a chickenpox then how you help your child to get rid off here i am telling you some steps that you should do at your home the first thing cut your child nail and wear gloves in child's hand so that it will not scratch the body ,use the lotion on the rash and try to cool the body of your child and give your child a cool bath or shower every day and you should use a lotion or cream that contain antihistamines because it helps your child a lot in reducing the itching and especially prevents your childbfrom scratching the rash especially when your child sleep so these all all steps that we should do when your child has a chickenpox