What will a business look like if it is not advertised


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Advertising is a very important part of business and any business that is not advertised in any way possible, may not fully capture it's essence and maximise full benefit.

There are some Businesses that even normally, they can thrive without being advertised but on a general basis, what makes a business get to its full height is the presence of an effective and wise application of the business promotion idea: advertising.

But on a normal scale, what an unadvertised Business will look like may not really be appealing. Think about you trying to sell a cat and so the cat is there and you refuse to tell anyone about the fact that you want and intend to sell it. You may keep staying with that cat for ages without having it getting sold.

So in business, advertising is the machinery that propels growth. Your business cannot get promoted and known unless it is advertised in whatsoever way possible whether big or small.
I think advertisement is overrated, because a lot of start ups that went on to become a multi billion dollars success without having to advertise to get their initial users, some epic examples are Facebook which initially started with Harvard Students, AirBnB started with Brian knocking on people's doors and telling them about it.

Advertising as you put it is very ideal, like word of mouth or cold outreach, what I think is mainly over rated is digital advertising where some so called experts are saying you have to spend a lot of dollars on advertising before you gain traction, this is majorly faux, if one has to spend advertising dollars to be profitable then how much do you have spend before you get to billion users.

Advertising traditionally has proven to be the best way to drive sales and growth to a startup and also you can tap into an existing market to gain traction without spending.
In today's world, it is difficult to imagine a business surviving without some form of advertising. Even the smallest businesses need to get their name out there if they want to succeed.

So what would a business look like if it was not advertised? It would be a very different world. For one thing, there would be a lot more word-of-mouth marketing. People would have to rely on friends and family to tell them about businesses, and businesses would have to work a lot harder to stand out from the crowd.

There would also be a lot less competition, as many businesses would simply not exist without advertising. This would be both good and bad for consumers, as there would be fewer choices but also less pressure to buy the latest and greatest product.

Overall, a world without advertising would be a very different place. Businesses would have to work a lot harder to succeed, and consumers would have to be more selective about the businesses they patronize.