When buyers of crypto are gone


VIP Contributor
Don’t laugh but the title can happen. The crypto industry is bustling at present even if the market prices have been affected by the China ban and other minor factors. There are still the buyers of crypto that make the world go round. But what happens when the crypto buyers are gone?

Unlike stocks that are founded on the corporation that owns it the crypto has no foundation at all. It is created by a developer who would be owning a big chunk of the crypto. When the buyers realize that fact then it can be a discouraging thought. Now back to the question, when there are no more buyers of crypto the price will sink and sink until the holders would accept the fact that the crypto is worthless. Any thoughts on this theory?
Crypto is of course created by a developer o a group of developers. However, once the currency is developed the developer hands over the charge to the community. If this does not happen, crypto currency project will never succeed. Most of the popular crypto currencies are community controlled.
Am not sure if this theory can happen because there are people who are trading daily and despite the news of china ban and fall of bitcoin, they are still buying and scalping little profit and thats why there can be no buyers , its a continus trend for buyers and sellers to exist to increase the price of bitcoin
Well this may happen or may not. It all depends on so many things. Now countries are creating their own digital currencies and this movements can lead to drop in price of Bitcoin and other Alt coins...what will now be the fate of Crypto generally with continuous bear run. It could dissolve eventually.

Or it may not, since rich people have invested in it...they will find a way to keep increasing the prices.
Well this may happen or may not. It all depends on so many things. Now countries are creating their own digital currencies and this movements can lead to drop in price of Bitcoin and other Alt coins...what will now be the fate of Crypto generally with continuous bear run. It could dissolve eventually.

Or it may not, since rich people have invested in it...they will find a way to keep increasing the prices.
Many of the whales did not buy at the dip , so they would obviously make sure that the price is increased ,because they bought at a very high point and most even bought the crypto currency when the price was closed to about $60k , so to get more buyers the price needs to move forward , so i think that theory seems to be very impossible to come true