When is the right time to brand yourself?


Valued Contributor
I met a young guy who has been playing piano for me. He told me he wants to brand himself. While I liked the idea of him trying to brand himself, I felt it was too early for him to jump into that. He was still learning and had not yet attained the level of a professional.

As a service provider, when you brand yourself, you move into the realm of professionalism. You should be sure you have attained mastery before you set out on building a brand around your skill. Don't be in a haste. It is important to achieve mastery at the highest level before you embark on branding.

When you push yourself out as a brand, clients expect you to operate at the highest possible level. There would be no limitations on the complexity of the jobs you get. Do you think you are ready for that? It is better to take it easy.


Personally i feel there is actually no right time, i believe once you have gained mastery of the field of business you are in, the next step you should take should be starting a brand for yourself. No need waiting for a particular time. Though you can never be a complete professional, due to the fact that there would always be someone out there who has more knowledge about your business way more than you do, so there is always something to learn. Once you have a reached a particular level of professionalism in which you are comfortable with, work towards creating your brand.


Valued Contributor
When starting your branding journey, it's crucial to have your brand identity top of mind. To make this happen, you must have a strong business plan and a clear objective for your good or service that outlines how it will help your target market. Your new business is, after all, your passion.

Your branding must convey precisely why the service you offer is so special. Describe how you found the market gap that provided the impetus for starting your company. In order to ensure that your branding is consistently informed by and tailored to meet your company's unique selling qualities, emphasize how your product or service fills this need.

A business that creates sales is successful, but one that has a brand built on feelings inspires trust. Learn what your customers want to see and hear so that you can use that information to inform your branding in a way that promotes repeat business and fosters long-lasting relationships with your clients.


VIP Contributor
Branding is really important if you're trying to build a solid company, because branding I like ID, that's what people will identify you with, whenever branding is discussed the first product that comes to my mind is Apple, they are actually a company that mastered the art and are reaping the benefits today because their customers are willing to buy their devices for whatever amount they earmarked.

I think you could have even encouraged the guy to go ahead and brand his little piano start up, tree worst case scenario is he'll fail and learn a lot or succeed and build himself a fortune so either way is a win win.

There isn't actually much different between products in the mainstream market, the only the differentiate them is branding, so you'll have a particular brand of perfume but it isn't actually different in quality with its competitor only that their branding differs.