Which toothbrush is best to use


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We have soft, medium and hard bristle toothbrush
Most people like brush with soft head because it feels better on teeth and gums while some prefer hard brush as it helps to removing stain in the teeth and the use of this hard toothbrush everyday can cause damage to the gum or cause wear on the enamel of the teeth while medium bristle toothbrush are the best because they are not too strong or too soft and they help to clean the teeth efficiently and also built up food particles
But from my pint of view I think soft brush is the best because they are not too rough on gums or the teeth and soft brush is suitable for all ages
I will prefer the medium brushes because they are almost perfect to remove stains and are not damaging to the enamel and gums of the teeth. Sometimes I use the hard brush just to remove the tough stains on my teeth but not always.
Having several types of toothbrushes is good to maintain the teeth
Dental professionals recommend soft-bristle toothbrushes because too much pressure or overzealous brushing can negatively impact the enamel and gums. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends soft-bristle toothbrushes with angled or multi-layer bristles to ensure an excellent clean without harming your teeth .... :)
Use only soft toothbrush in the case when your teeth are neat and perfect.but in the case where you are treating your teeth I mean when your teeth are dirty and you are cleaning it use hard brush.scrub the teeth gently while using hard brush to prevent pains in the teeth
I always make I use soft toothbrush because hard brush always damage my gum which makes it bleed and causes pain
Using hard bristle toothbrush endangers our teeth as the high risk of damaging the teeth and gum is very high that is why I recommend soft brush
I like using hard toothbrush but I stopped using it ever since it damaged my gum which makes it swell and bleed as well
We should always consider the Toothbrush that we know it is comfortable for us that won't cause any gum danger
Using soft tooth brush is the best toothbrush to use as it doesn't have any side effects and it also brushes the teeth well
The type of toothbrush that we use is very important because if the brush is hard it can cause wounds to the gum
some people do you add brush and it causes harm to the gum that is why I prefer to use soft brush

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