Who is an Entrepreneur?


VIP Contributor
Entrepreneurs are risk takers. But they aren’t looking to get rich quick — they want to build a business that will help them live their dreams.

Entrepreneurship is not about winning the lottery. It’s about working hard and getting better at what you do every day. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Entrepreneurship is about persistence, taking action and making things happen in spite of setbacks.

Entrepreneurs think differently than other people because they have an idea for something that could make a difference in the world and aren’t afraid to take risks to make it happen. They understand that failure is part of success because when you try something new, it’s often difficult or impossible to predict how well it will work out but if you stick with it long enough — even when things look bad — eventually something good will come along and surprise you!

As an entrepreneur, your job is never done until your company has reached its full potential and is no longer needed by anyone else.