Why are people scared of online investment

When it comes to investing, the fear of failure makes us either procrastinate or completely give up on the idea of investing. Most of us haven’t even realised that investing is not an option. It is a necessity. Let’s take an example of something that we do every day and comes with a risk of failure or loss our work. None of us are perfect. We often make mistakes some that are costly and others, not so much. Does the news of someone losing their job or the rising number of car accidents stop us from getting a job or driving? No. Then why do we steer clear of investing because someone else has failed at it? Food for thought.
Many people are scared of investing their money online because of the high risk factors attached to it. In the recent time, many online investment platforms have surfaced and have turned out to be a platform of defrauding people of their hard earned money. This is why most people are scared of investing online because it might crash anytime.
People are so scared of online investment this days because they don't want to be scammed or fraud and again most online investment can get crashed at any point of time that why so many people are scared to go into it and invest. But my advice is that before you invest on any online earning platform you have to look very well before you leap.