Why are so many people struggling to find great jobs?

King bell

VIP Contributor
This is a question that has been asked time and time again. After all, the unemployment rate in America has been steadily climbing for years now. As of November last year, 7.8% of people are still out of work and looking for another job. And many more are struggling to find any job at all!

So what does this mean? Why are so many people struggling to find great jobs? Well, the answer is likely multifaceted but we have some speculations that might help explain why this is happening.

1. "Myths of the job market"

One reason that we believe may be a contributing factor is the myths that people believe about the job market. For years, Americans have been told that there are plenty of jobs out there but they just need to get training or a degree, or they need to send out more resumes or call more people. But, in reality, many employers are looking for candidates that are highly skilled and experienced. And even if you do have those skills and experience, you'll still need to stand out from all the other applicants.

2. "Lack of confidence"

Another reason for this struggle for employment could be a lack of confidence in oneself. It is known that self-confidence can be the difference between someone who struggles to find a job and someone who can get the job in no time at all. In fact, we have blog posts and resources that show you how to have more confidence. And what's more, you'll notice your career will improve and become more fulfilling whether it's finding a job or seeking that promotion!

3. "Personal branding"

Personal branding has been a hot topic for quite some time now. It is known that personal branding can help either get you into better jobs or can help you advance your career. While this may be true, not everyone seems to understand this concept in practice very well.


Verified member
I think a person have not desire skill to join for a job have lack of confidence. Person who are keeping him update with change and active have not lack of confidence. Person branding is helpful in getting better job. But a person who have good experience of work can be a brand. IN these days tough competition is problem in getting job.