Why having too much money at times could be a problem.


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We all are familiar with the truth that the money indeed is a very valuable and resourceful tool that every individual must endeavour to have even if to an extent so as to be able to satisfy his needs and want which are known to be numerous , and also with the help of money and individual could be able to invest and save for the future . But sometimes we must understand that money could also be a harmful and influential asset or tool especially when in the hands of wrong and evil-minded individuals and people . Having too much money at times could be a big problem especially when the individual in question has an evil perspective and possibly anything that he or she thinks and thought about is always evil all the time . Money that we know as a resourceful as it can also be used by individuals with evil perspectives as a means of influencing others to carry out more bad and an advisable activities such as killing their fellow man and women , taking offers individuals properties forcefully , money can also lead to the result of tribal war and even world wars .

Turns out that the saying "money is The Root of All evil" is possibly true afterall but only to some extent and not entirely true if we were to do some further analysation and interpretations on that . Some individuals do not trust themselves to remain cool and lightheaded when they eventually have money in abundance, so they choose to live a lifestyle of neutrality and have a semi-conmedable but paying job or occupation .
Having too much money at times could be a problem. If you have more money than you can spend, it's easy to get carried away and spend more than you should. When that happens, the only way to control spending is to take away your access to credit cards and other sources of credit — or else make sure that you have enough income coming in so that there's no temptation to spend beyond your means.

If you're an entrepreneur, this could mean having very little or even nothing in the bank account during the early years of starting your business. It's not uncommon for entrepreneurs who start their businesses with nothing but their ideas to have trouble maintaining operations at first because they're spending all their income on growing their businesses.

So while having too much money at times might seem like a good thing — especially if it means having lots of cash available for starting up a new business — it could also be problematic if that money isn't being used wisely and effectively.
It is often said that money is a problem. It is also true that money can be a problem if you have too much of it and not enough good to do with it or when you are a bad person, you may end up using it to oppress others.

It's easy to see how having too much money could be a problem. If you have more money than you know what to do with, the temptation will always be there to spend it all on the first thing that catches your eye. But if you have too little, then there is little chance of getting anything done at all.

It's easy to see how having too little money could be a problem too. If you have less than others in your country, then you'll be dependent on them for everything you need: food, shelter and so on. This means that even if there are things that people with lots of money can buy easily (like food), there are also things they can't get (like shelter). And this makes life very difficult indeed.
Despite the fact that money indeed is a very valuable and resourceful tool that every individual must endeavour to have to an extent possibly to be able to satisfy his needs and once but on the other hand there is an evil side of money that the world is basically not making it clear to us . It is absolutely true that sometimes having money in abundance could be a problem because a lot of people as a result of being considered to be rich and wealthy have used their wealth and riches to influence the life of others and possibly ridicule them to do things that are considered to be bad and an accepted to the legal authorities and even to the existence of others .

Most of the common set of people that are saying misusing use of money our politicians and government officials . It is definitely true that majority of government officials use their money to only care about themselves and rather than caring about the welfare of others so I wouldn't go as far as to influence the life of others during political elections but when they have been elected they forget about the lives of those who voted them in power .
Well , it may be true to some extent but what we have to understand is that anyone who is naturally wicked will always look for every single opportunity to be wicked and it is not just because the person has money . For even if the person does not have the money , His natural wickedness will still manifest even without money. Because of that I don't see any reason why this should be blamed on money . Everything Start from the heart and that is where the origin of both Good and evil is generated by every single individual.

I have seen people that have so much money and they are using this money for something reasonable and to help humanity in a positive way and at the same time some people may be using their money for something more evil ,, it all depends on the mindset .
In some countries, hardworking professionals who have saved some money from poorer communities are slandered, criminally defamed without any proof, to make it easier to cheat, exploit , rob them and extort money
Having too much money sometimes can be a problem especially if you are the type that doesn't know how to manage money you might end up spending much more than expected some times you might even end up misplacing your money, people that have too much money often have managers that help them manage their money.
It is true as we all know toomuch everything is indeed bad when we have have toomuch water in our body system it affects us adversely, even toomuch of food in our body system can also result into a severe problem for us. Despite the fact that we know that food is good for our body, and we also know that water is highly needed by our body. This clearly shows that toomuch of a particular thing over time could spell problems.

Now when it comes to money we all know we do need money to live a comfortable life but in the real sense when money becomes excessive it becomes a severe problem because first as we know money is comes with power and when the power gets to a point that we can not control anymore we begin to misbehave and this may allow is to even endanger ourselves and that of our loved ones.

There are people who got too wealthy and they began to spend carelessly till they got themselves into trouble because they were eating all manner of food they weren't suppose to eat, resulting into the health challenges that even money can not solve. Too much wealth does not not bring happiness but fear and worries.
Is it possible to have too much money? It might seem like a silly question, but the answer is yes. Too much money can lead to certain problems that can hamper not only our own happiness, but also the happiness of those around us. Some of those problems are:
Surrounding yourself with useless people who are only around you because of your wealth.
Being unable to stay grounded when you're surrounded by new toys and access to things like luxurious vacations and premium seats at sports events.
Losing touch with reality as your money can give you a false sense of invincibility and in turn lead to risky behavior, bad relationships, and substance abuse.
Here's why having too much money at times could be a problem:
1) Surrounding yourself with useless people who are only around you because of your wealth.
We all love the idea of having a bunch of friends who share our interests and have the same outlook on life as us. However, we can't choose who are born into our families and the same holds true for our friends.
If you got rich or became famous overnight, your so-called friends would suddenly appear out of nowhere and start showering you with attention and gifts in an attempt to suck up to you so that they can get a slice of your pie.
These people are nothing but parasites who care about themselves first and foremost, which means they'll toss you aside faster than a piece of old furniture as soon as you stop being useful to them.