Why it is advised to "save your pennies for a rainy day".


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Many individuals have made various type of expression and words about making money online and possibly making money offline, there are some set of individuals who have made expressions about why it is absolutely very important for an individual to keep and to save money for the future which is possible to be filled with uncertainty and uncalled situations . We cannot totally or entirely eradicate uncertainties and uncalled situations to happen in the future but what we can really do is to be prepared when these situations happen . There is absolutely no better way for us to be financially equipped and to be financially stable to handle financial responsibilities and duties which are more likely to take place in the future than to save money and keep money for future emergencies saving purposes.

It is absolutely very important when an individual saves money because doing so simply proves that he or she want to be financially equipped not financially frustrated when a situation that requires an emergency involvement of money arises . Sufficiently saving of money does not depend on how much you earn as an income, but although I was saving habit can be influenced by our income rate but yet that does not mean that we should not save if our income is actually low in amount .


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Whenever you are going through life , it is particularly impossible for you to even know what is going to happen in the next second not to talk of something negative that might happen. It is completely insensible for you to live life thinking that everything is going to continually being positive to you because that is a lie

Whenever you are in a positive state, this is when you must have made a lot of money from a business or a contract , you should always remember that there are going to be times in which you will look for job and you are not going to see and you will have to depend on that money to keep on surviving. This is exactly what people known as the rainy days in which they advise people to keep saving for.

The rainy day might also come as a form of an emergency which you did not plan. It could be in form of work emergency whereby your equipment suddenly stops working or it might even be in form of a health emergency. One of this is a reasons why you should always save for the rainy day as you do not know what the future hold.


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We have always been taught why it is absolutely important for us to save our money and keep it for the most times we need them . There is absolutely no best way to keep money and prepare for the future other than now, the future is so much filled with untold circumstances and in comprehensive situations which if we are not prepared could totally leave us overwhelmed and surprised at our self and so in order to make sure that we are prepared towards what the future holds we need to be financially equipped and stable .

The emergency saving funds is absolutely very important and necessary and all the majority of individuals do not have an emergency saving funds we all need to understand that there is absolutely no individual above emergency but rather due to time an unexpected event everyone is accountable to expect emergency day after day, despite the fact that emergency cannot be totally eradicated it absolutely makes it very necessary for us to be prepared when it happens .