Why many procrastinate to making money online


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A lot of individuals today know that making money online is the new normal and also making money online will totally get them to were they want to be a financial but even with that they procrastinate to actually take a step to make money online. According to statistics we individuals who make money online today have not even eaten half of the money contained on the internet and there is always room for everyone. Making money online is absolutely interesting but if only we are determined and do away with any form of procrastination.

To take a step we must first of all choose a particular making money online niche that we love. The second possible step, is to make sure that we gain training and experience on such money making strategy and if we accomplish two of these we are good to go in our journey of making money online.
Not being clear about the process, fear of failure, thinking it is complicated, lack of confidence, old habits of postponing work, excessive information, trying to be perfect all the time , half heartedness in doing something and other things that could cause distractions. However by self-awareness, changing attitude and breaking down tasks into smaller ones , setting deadlines , looking for help from others and having the desire to keep improving oneself is what it takes for one to overcome procrastination. Selecting a definite way forward, fretting over the blunders that might arise out of seeming complexity; sketchy attitude towards one’s own abilities; habitual delays; indecisiveness in cases where too much information has been availed; waiting for an ideal moment; disinterest on a person’s part; being not focused or avoiding risks are factors that many individuals grapple with. They would be able to escape some hurdles on their path to making money online if they recognize these problems and do something about them without any doubt.
The reason people procrastinate in making money online is because of lack of accountability, no one holds you accountable on what you do, you can do basically whatever you want, so due to that lose freedom, most people find it difficult to show up everyday online and work, it's not only online gigs, that's how it is in business too, most people are lazy that's why it's so easy to win nowadays.

What can help is to do the hardest task as soon as you wake up everyday, if you do the hardest tasks, it'll be easier to do the rest and you free up time in your day.