General insurance Why most people don't want to insure their business


VIP Contributor
Most people don't want to insure their business because they don't think the cost is worth it.

There are two main reasons why:

1. They don't want to pay for coverage. Many people think that if they skip the coverage, then no one will come to their door and steal their money. This is not true, and it's also not fair to you or your customers. When you skip the coverage, you're actually putting yourself in a position where you could lose everything.

2. They don't understand how much it costs. There are different types of insurance policies available for businesses: commercial auto insurance, property insurance, workers' compensation insurance (if applicable), liability insurance (if applicable), etc., and each type has different costs associated with them depending on the needs of your company or industry. You may find that one policy costs $100 per year but another policy costs $500 per year—and those numbers can vary greatly depending on factors like location and your specific situation at hand! It's important to do some research before signing up for any type of coverage so that you know exactly how much it's going to cost.