Why should you invest?


Valued Contributor
Investing is becoming a part of financial planning today. Hence, to be a successful investor you must familiarize with the ideas that form the basis of successful investment. Therefore, it is important to understand the terms and definitions to get a understanding of this field.

Investing is not same as stock or bond ownership. Terms like return, risk, and portfolio play a significant role in a strategy to enable us to know how these terms interplay and what can determine your finical destiny.

The question is why do we choose to invest? It serves different purposes to invest, it is building capital or a steady income in retirement. Investing can be used as a tool that enables you to meet your financial goals and eventually wealth.
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Verified member
For me l think that, the major reasons for investing are the ones mentioned below.:

Grow your money.
This is through the sense that invested money brings in something what we call return on investments or profits or interests plus the capital used to invest with.

Facilitates savings
The savings and investments go hand in hand for sure. For instance most people would save their money in banks or wherever venues for quite some time before the money piles up for the type of investment portfolio that is intended for.


Staff member
Investment for me is creating passive income and new sources of income, whether it's setting up a business or putting money into investment instruments, be it property, shares, crypto, etc. Investment can also be a hedge against inflation, investment will also make your emotions calmer and you won't be afraid of running out of money. Apart from that, I hope that investment can achieve financial freedom more quickly.


VIP Contributor
Investing now is of essence as it does help anyone with creation of passive income and of course you can have new or multiple sources of income when you start investing. Investment helps one to make more money so it is always worth doing.

You can do your investment by setting up a business or putting money into investment instruments, that you are sure will yield benefits or gain's for you. SO investing is a requirement for having good money to live life better