Why some people ignore covid-19 vaccine.


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Some people ignore covid-19 vaccine simply because of ignorance. Covid-19 vaccine is a vaccine that boost immune system against covid-19 virus. This vaccine does not mean the virus would not affect the person that takes vaccine but it would reduce the effect in the body to the minimal level in the blood stream.
The symptoms of this covid-19 vaccine sides effect after taking it, are body temperature,head ache and general body weakness.
In the world to day,if any body refuse to take this vaccine, he or she would not allow to enter their countries. Many people are affecting and dead as a result of this covid-19 vaccine. The symptoms of affected patients are high fever, with body temperature, unable to breath very well and sleepless nights. The patient should be quarantine and start to be given good treatment without any further delay. Their is no home treatment for covid-19 treatment now,but some people claimed their is home treatment.
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Taking a vaccine is good and ideal for protection. I haven't been vaccinated yet but I have friends who got the vaccine, some of my friends complained of having minor complications like body weakness and seizures while others felt nothing. I guess it has to do with their immune system. I'm actually scared of taking the covid vaccine, I know it is good to be vaccinated about it but I have some health conditions which I'm scared would be triggered if I ever got the vaccine jab. I'll check on my doctor to see if it's safe for me but for now I'm okay with the vaccine jab
I have an issue with the covid vaccine. From what I know a vaccine is a mixture of elements including a small amount of the virus. The vaccine will stir the immunity system of the body to create an immunity against the virus. After the gestation period of the vaccine (from what I know it is 1 or 2 weeks) the person that is vaccinated is now immune to the disease. That means he cannot be contaminated anymore so there is no need for the face mask and no need for social distancing. If he joins a crowd with covid positive people then there is no worry because he is supposed to be immune. But now we see the health department's approach to the vaccinated people that they are still required to follow the protocol. Isn't it wrong to have the vaccine and still be afraid of covid? That simply means the vaccine did not create immunity.
Hello dear hope so you are doing well as we all know the 2019 year had proves very difficult for all of us due to Corona virus because many people had lost their loved ones in this year this is that year when disappointment and unhappiness had spread in every corner of the world no body can feel safe theirselves at that time even we did not go outside in order to take anything because government had put the lockdown everywhere everyone is quarantined so that they may not get effected through this virus and the scientists searched a lot about how they can destroy and remove this virus from the world after too many attempts he would be able to make a vaccine against the covid 19 and order everyone to take vaccine so that their immune system will be able to fight against this virus so i suggest to everyone to take a vaccine because if scientists had made this vaccine then it proves to be helpful for us in order to protect our body against covid-19 government should take strictly steps against those people who did not take vaccines and move freely everywhere hope so you will take my suggestion in a positive way and think about it