Why Women of Now a days can not breast feed their Child for 6 to 1 years?


VIP Contributor
I noticed that before now women used to feed their child for good 6 to 8 months. In fact that time they will be telling their mother that they wanted to suck breast and they will give them.

My question is that; why some women do not want to give their breast to their child again? Or is it is it meant for just decoration alone or what?

My advice to women is that:
(1) When the baby is between 4 and 6 months old, start giving her other foods in addition to breast milk. Always give the breast first, and then the other foods. It is good to start a gruel or porridge made from the main food such as maize meal or rice cooked in water or milk. Then start adding a little cooking oil for extra energy. After a few days, start adding other helper foods. But start with just a little of the new food, and add only 1 at a time or the baby may have trouble digesting them. These new foods need to be well cooked and mashed. Try to make them easier for the baby to swallow.

(2) Prepare inexpensive, nutritious feedings for the baby by adding helper foods yo the main food. Most important is to add foods that give extra energy ( such as oil) and whenever possible extra iron ( such as dark green leafy vegetables).

Note: Remember, a young child's stomach is small and cannot hold much food at one time. So feed her often, and add high energy helpers to the main food.