Why you should avoid eating late at night

Eating very late at night causes indigestion and it can also cause obesity
You are right. Most people that have big belly are as a result of eating late in the night especially foods that are high in Fibre.
Eating late at night make the food to digest easily which cause big tummy because of the improper digestion and if you actually eat late at night you should make sure you allow the food to digest first before going to bed
It will make the brain to be less active and it will also makes someone to be more unhealthy
Eating late at night can cause weight gain because the food won't be able to digest properly
Eating late at night is totally discouraged by medical practitioners. For one thing, it causes unhealthy weight gain. Also, it is associated with different ailments like constipation, indigestion among others. It is recommended to eat about 4 hours before bed time, you can take light drinks afterwards though. Some people even wake up at midnight to eat, this is so unhealthy. Let us pay attention to our eating habits as it determines our healthy living.


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1. It makes it difficult to lose weight
Eating food late in the night causes weight gain because the calories that you are ingesting at late hours is more likely to store as fat in your body which will end up leading to an increase in weight
2. It causes poor memory and concentration levels
Eating very late at night is very heamful four our brain health because irregular eating patterns affect circadian system which in turn affect the brain ability to memorizing, concentration and learning
So we should avoid eating late at night by limiting the calories intake during the night, and also avoid junk foods, and always include healthy snacks in your eating routine like apple, nuts, whole grains, smoothie with fresh fruits.
The body was designed to follow a particular sleep and rest pattern. In the night the gastro-intestinal system is supposed to be at rest and making it through work might result in fat deposits on the belly leading to increase in weight.
The right time to eat dinner is evening. This will ensure the digestion of the food early. Eating late at night will cause nothing but having stomach pain and big stomach. But unfortunately, this is so common in Africa and especially among the extended family. And just the poster said, it causes memory loss.
When you eat late at night you get too fat it will not be easy for you to loose weight so don't eat late in the night it's not good.also when you late in the night your food won't digest it's dangerous for the body.so don't eat late in the night
As far as I know eating late at night can make you uneasy when it comes to sleeping and it make can insomnia worse if you are suffering from it. Moreover, eating late at night can also cause diabetes because it can hinder the proper functioning of insulin. This is why it is better to avoid binge eating at night.
Eating late at night makes the stomach to be big because the food won't be able to digest properly when you lie down