Why You Should Have Good Intentions Towards Your Fellow Workers.


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It’s common knowledge that when you care about the people you work with it makes work a nicer place to be and it makes the work environment more productive. But why should we care about our fellow workers? And what does it mean to have good intentions towards them anyway?

Having good intentions towards your fellow workers means that you want them to have positive experiences at their workplace. It means that you want them to go home at the end of the day feeling like they accomplished something meaningful and fulfilled in their job. It means that you want to help your team members achieve their goals and dreams in life, not just at work.

As a manager or employee, having good intentions towards your team is especially important. You should be actively seeking ways to support them and make sure they are happy in their jobs. This doesn’t mean you need to create a utopia where everyone is smiling all day long—that would be impossible! But what it does mean is that you should strive for an environment where everyone feels respected and valued as human beings with unique needs, goals, strengths, weaknesses etc… A great way to do this is through regular one-on-one meetings where you talk about things outside of work.
When it comes to the workplace, the saying goes that it's not personal, it's business. However, research shows that having good intentions towards your fellow workers actually makes good business sense.

In a study of over 2,000 employees, researchers found that those who felt their co-workers were kind and helpful were more likely to be productive and feel satisfied with their job. Conversely, employees who felt that their co-workers were competitive and unhelpful were more likely to experience stress and decreased productivity.

So what can you do to foster good intentions in the workplace? The next time you have the opportunity, try complimenting a colleague on a job well done, or lending a helping hand when they seem to be struggling. Not only will this make your workplace more pleasant to be in, but it may also lead to increased productivity and cooperation. Finally, remember that good intentions start with you – be kind and helpful to your colleagues, and see what happens!