Shares/Stock Did Stocks Ever Made Anyone Rich?


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I have heard a lot podcasts and watched a lot of videos of the self acclaimed finance guru advising people to buy low and sell high, buy this and that stocks and it kind of makes me wonder, because they themselves didn't get rich by trading stocks, they got rich by writing books and selling millions aof copies and also selling of thousand dollars worth of seminars.

I have never seen anybody that got rich off trading stocks, I agree there are outliers in respect to bell curve, but even at that they are very small in numbers, I know you might be tempted to shout warren buffet, but warren didn't get rich from trading stocks, check his biography and confirm.

The only people having a field day with stocks are those that own the company and those that own large shares and earn an income on top.

But for most of the people that are struggling they have nothing to show, they just buy and hold and keep on holding while they draw empty motivation from online gurus who don't practice what they teach.

You have to open your eyes and look at the big picture, if you are trading stocks you are mostly providing liquidity to the market.
All investments that are designed genuinely are to make people rich or at least change their status financially. Stock market as well has the capability of making its investors very rich, especially if they do it in the right way that they are supposed to do it.

However, their should be some actions to be taken in order to get the best stage of this stock market. And this will include making sure that we invest in the right time.