Forum Promotion Review: Scam or Legit

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4.00 star(s)


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Forum Promotion is one of the oldest Webmaster Community on the World Wide Web. The forum was created and later sold by the owner of Forum Coin, one of the oldest Paid to Post forums on the internet. Is Forum Promotion The Best Webmaster Community? Let’s find out.


You earn forum currency through forum posting activities. You can use the credits to buy services on the forum or exchange for cash through other members.

The community is used by a lot of people, especially bloggers, forum owners, and webmasters. Therefore, if you own a website you can promote your site. You can even hire staff for your site.

Webmasters use the site to hire staff for their site, therefore, you can find a lot of work opportunities. You can either apply to the existing jobs or create your own services.

The site also opens for a lot of job opportunities and you can make money as a staff.

There is a marketplace section where you can sell services and products, including domains and websites.


There is no official withdrawal option for the forum credits you earn through posting.

If you do not own a website, you might not find it very useful.

If you are mainly concentrated with earning, you might not earn much.
I signed up to this site a long time ago, I was looking to promote my forums. The platform offers a lot of promotional options and one of them is buying posting packages. You can earn credits by posting on the site and then use your credits to buy posting and other promotional packages. The site also has a marketplace where you can buy and sell services as well as digital products. Interestingly, I managed to sell my forum through forum promotion. I did not get a lot of money but I was able to get rid of the site that was not generating income