blogging post

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    Blog Article Proofreading Pro Tip

    Always Use Grammarly for Proofreading, there is no pro tip better than that, Grammarly has both spellings and word choice checking I mean it's amazing, you can even check your article to see if it contains any plagiarism of any sort. Proofreading is one of the most time-consuming tasks that any...
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    Keep Tabs On Your Ideas, Always

    Bloggers' most typical rookie mistake is to scribble down their ideas and thoughts in several places. This takes up a lot of your time because you spend half of your time looking at the areas where you usually save your ideas when you want to organize your thoughts and work more on the ideas you...
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    Blogging Hack you should Know

    If you came into this thread, then am sure you probably know how much time demanding running a blog can be, because even typing on this platform I know ow time demanding it is already, always trying to make the best of those limited time, but Writing an article is just a single part of the job...
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    3 best blogging tools of 2022

    1. Sumo Sumo Though I wasn't aware of it until I think last week is one of the most attractive free blogging tools available. It allows you to customize your blog with social sharing buttons, email capture forms, and numerous stats. A premium version is also available, which includes more...
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    How to pick a niche for your blog

    Find your passion, Every expert in any thing online would tell you to do this, I even wrote an article on medium about passion, It's surprising how many people saw that, I was shocked, I wrote three extra and it flunked, Organic traffic is a mystery, anyways believe me, just following your...
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    how to know a good niche

    When starting a blog, it's definitely important to determine your niche, Whether you want blog about fashion (Which is actually very broad) There are advantages to niching down which I won't actually talk about, But think about it this way, when your audience, sees you as the go to guide on a...
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    What to do after posting a blog article

    Have you ever heard of repurposing content, Well it's popular nowadays, you write a blog post and make other copies of it, and post them on other sites, other social media sites Then, by repurposing your material, you can make your blog articles work four times as hard for you. You may promote...