
  1. shehan anthony

    Traffic Machines Just Once, Then Get Red Hot Buyers Forever

    This Instant Traffic Hack will work in any niche... It Naturally Attracts Million Highly-Targeted Monthly Buyers... It gets FREE Organic Traffic From Google and Others... It's a gets Paid Targeted Traffic For Cheap Our Instant Traffic Hack are REAL System... We Can Reuse Our Instant Traffic...
  2. shehan anthony

    FREE Traffic Hack To Get Red Hot Buyers Without Paying A Dime!

    Get FREE Traffic in ANY Niche... Unlimited Links! NO Unethical or "Black Hat" Methods (100% White Hat!)... 100% Set-and-Forget: Setup Once To Get FREE Traffic For Life... Unlimited Links : Add link Again... and Again... and Again... Fully Scaleable: NO LIMIT To The FREE Traffic You Can Get...
  3. uforwealth

    Can You Blog About Anything And Make Money ?

    The benefits of blogging cannot be overemphasized. If you are a seasoned blogger, you can make any amount of money. You can wake up at any time of your choice. You can decide not work a day. You don't need to obey or follow directives from any boss. You spend your money as you like. You work at...
  4. uforwealth

    #1 Reason Why You Have Not Made Money From Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate Marketing is one of the best and fastest ways to make money on the internet. You may not agree with me if you have not made a dime from affiliate Marketing. Actually, you may have not made money as an affiliate.But do you know why? The reason is that you are doing something wrong...
  5. uforwealth

    When Exactly Do You Plan to Stop Posting on Trendri ?

    I sat down today and started thinking of things that compelled me to come online. I started my online journey to make money in 2009 in the hope that I would have made thousands if not millions of Naira by the end of 2015. Unfortunately,I did not make a Kobo until I joined trendri in 2020...
  6. uforwealth

    What Are The Disadvantages Of Making Money On Fiverr

    Fiverr is known to be a marketplace for gig buyers and gig sellers. One of the benefits of selling gigs on Fiverr is that one can make 6 figures in no time depending on the type of gig that person sells.However, the disadvantages of selling on Fiverr can make one give up. The following are the...
  7. B

    How to earn from surveyeah | Profit from the Internet

    surveyeah is one of the well-known and famous sites in the field of profit from the Internet from opinion surveys, as it provides many surveys for subscribers that they can answer and get points that they can then exchange for money. The surveyeah site is distinguished by the fact that it...
  8. uforwealth

    Is It Possible to Make $20,000 Per Month From Blogging

    Many people see blogging as the easiest way to make a huge amount of money online. Actually,some are making a lot of money from it but there are bloggers who are earning a little amount of money by blogging. Although blogging is one of the best ways to make money online, I don't think one can...
  9. uforwealth

    Which one is stress-free to make money? Fiverr or YouTube

    As I was coming home from my workplace today, I saw 3 people talking about Fiverr and YouTube as to which of them is stress-free when it comes to making money online. Two of them claimed that YouTube is stress-free because you just make the videos and go. When it is the right time,you monetize...
  10. Axis

    Do u need much money to stay happy

    obviously having much money brings a lot of happiness to a person but one thing is certain and important to note that money does not actually bring permanent happiness but rather it offers a person temporary happiness. many people have this mindset and idea that whenever you have a lot of money...
  11. K

    The 4 Key Questions You Musk Ask About Money

    The 4 Key Questions 1. Are You Prepared? Have you intellectually pre-arranged yourself for the change from worker (or understudy or anything name fits you as of now) to chief. You will be the one settling on choices now about everything from office items to product offering. This all out...
  12. P

    Money making skill for Students

    Do you still have your old school notes or assignments which you think are waste? What if i say they are not a waste but a source of at least 1000 dollars or more passive income per month, go to, this site give you 10$ for every view which your uploaded document gets, you can...
  13. Axis

    relationship between cheque and money

    there is a strong relationship between cheque and money. we all know that money is generally accepted means of exchange in which one can use it to purchase goods and services. well check is a bill of exchange in which the drawer is the one that write it to a bank to pay on demand a specific...
  14. Axis

    Why do government borrow money

    in order to finance budget deficit that is when government spend more than the revenue a government has in a given period of time or you can say when government expenditure for a particular period of time surpasses the estimated revenue the governor's so to avoid this type of situation...
  15. michalpmind

    Review about

    I wanna recommend this amazing site. It's very nice platform to make fast money on internet. If you register on different sites you can get from 3$ to 5$ or more. They paid for playing games and for fill surveys. If you register from my link you will get 500 points for start and i will get 50...
  16. Axis

    Imagine a world without saving

    many people have the desire to save money but they end up giving up while saving the money because of one condition on the other this is as a result of lack of patience when saving money. patience the better quality that is needed when saving up money especially when you want to settle a...
  17. Axis

    Why is patience needed when saving money

    many people have the desire to save money but they end up giving up while saving the money because of one condition on the other this is as a result of lack of patience when saving money. patience the better quality that is needed when saving up money especially when you want to settle a...
  18. uforwealth

    Newly Discovered Reasons Why You Haven't Made Money Online

    Making money online is very much easy and fun if you learn the best and easiest ways to make money on the internet and do what you are supposed to do. The following are the reasons why you have not made money online learning without implementation It is unfortunate today that most people...
  19. Axis

    Why is money more unique than any other commodity.

    Money appears to be more unique than any other commodity that is being used for exchange because of it below characteristics or features Money is generally accepted globally but in terms of other commodities it is not generally accepted. Money appears to be durable and can last long for a...
  20. Axis

    History of money

    Initially during the early days paper money were not really used among people but rather trade and barter was the common medium of exchange back then. People do exchange different commodities such as cow beans rice houses and so on So as time passed by difficulty began are rising from the trade...