10 Steps To Create A Weekend Routine For Your Finances!


VIP Contributor
The weekend is coming, and you're probably feeling a little overwhelmed.

Don't worry! I got your back. Here are 10 steps to create a weekend routine for your finances.

1. Make a list of all the things that need to be done during the week and on weekends, such as paying bills, making deposits into savings accounts, etc.

2. Put them in order from top priority (paying off debts) down to least important (paying groceries).

3. Write down what needs to get done each day this week or next weekend. this will help you prioritize what needs to get done first!

4. Set aside time every day or each night before work/school starts up again so that you can focus on whatever task needs doing first (paying off debts), then move onto other tasks as they become available throughout the day/night period until everything has been completed by Monday morning at 10am sharp when school begins again after summer break ends tomorrow morning at 7am sharp...

5. Make a budget and stick to it

6. Create a savings plan

7. Reduce your expenses by cutting out unnecessary items

8. Make sure your bills are paid on time

9. Keep track of all your expenses, and make sure they are reasonable based on the amount of money you have available each month (this will help prevent overspending)

10. Track what you spend money on each week once a month or once every two weeks is fine! You don't need to do this all at once; just take note of how much money was spent during those two weeks so that next time around, when money gets tight again (and it will), you'll be able to remember what happened last time around without having to go back through all receipts again!