3 Killer Ways to Lose Inches of Flab From All Over Your Body


Losing the flab can be tough, but it's not impossible.You may have a smaller and healthier physique by using the next three suggestions.

1) Eat a diet rich in protein. Protein helps to build and repair muscle tissue, which is what you're trying to lose. It also keeps your metabolism going strong so that you can burn calories at a faster rate than if you were eating less protein.

2) Lose weight in all areas of your body by exercising regularly, especially cardio exercises like running or cycling. If you don't have access to these types of exercise equipment, try using your own body weight to perform different types of exercises at home such as squats or pushups.

3) Reduce stress by taking up meditation or yoga classes once per week with a friend or family member who shares similar goals as yours (or practice on your own). Yoga has been shown to be an effective form of relaxation that can help combat anxiety and depression when practiced regularly throughout one's life!