3 Unique Digital Product Ideas


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If you are looking for digital product ideas that are in high demand but in short supply, here are 3 unique digital product ideas that you can try.

Computer and phone wallpaper: These digital products are in high demand in the marketplaces like Etsy and Creative Fabrica. You can either sell one item or a collection/bundle. I recommend selling collections instead of a single design.

Youtube Thumbnail templates: The popularity of youtube as a money-making platform is growing day by day. Becoming successful on youtube involves a lot of things and thumbnail is one of them. You can sell youtube thumbnail templates for new youtubers as well as experienced youtubers. New youtubers buy editable thumbnails because they can’t do it themselves, and experienced ones buy because they don’t have time to do it themselves.

Notion Template: Notion is a productivity tool for individuals and businesses. It can be used for studying, planning, budgeting, etc. Since the user base for this workspace is growing, the need for the templates to be used with this platform is also growing.
Here are few more unique digital products ideas:
Study notes: If you are a student or a teacher, you might have a lot of notes that you made while studying or preparing for lecture. You can compile these notes according to topics, subjects or category and sell as ebooks or printables.
Product mockups: A lot of people trying to sell online need product mock ups but they don't have the skills or time to do it. If you have graphic designing skills, you can sell product mock-ups
Video editing cards: You can create transition clips, end credits, intro clips etc. and sell as digital products.
Music and sound: You can also sell sound clips and musics for vloggers
Fonts: These digital products are also among the high selling digital products with low competition. If you have graphic designing skills, you can create fonts and sell them.
Graphic assets: You can sell images, illustrations, clip art, icons, and other vector files