6 Steps to Using Your Past to Thrive in the Present


Sometimes, you just feel like a victim of your own circumstances. You've been working on the same job for years, and it feels like you're stuck in a rut.

But what if I told you there was a way to use your past as a springboard for new opportunities?
What if I tell you that it's not just feasible but also imperative to use your past?

Here are 6 ways to make the most of your past and thrive in the present.

1. Embrace your past evolutions. Don't be afraid of them! They're just another part of who you are now.

2. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you figure out what kind of role models or mentors to seek out when it comes time to make career decisions or take risks with new jobs/careers.

3. Get an idea of where you want to go in life (career-wise), but also be open enough to consider other options, too. you never know what opportunities will present themselves!

4. Networking events are great ways to meet people who can help guide you down new paths (and vice versa). Attend as many as possible!

5.Identify what you can learn from your past: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

6.Have a conversation with someone who cares about what matters most yourself!