Addiction to social media


I have several friends who are working abroad as domestic helper. They are complaining to me that the use of mobile phone is restricted to them that they could only get hold of the phone after dinner time until before breakfast. I guess it is only right for their employers to lay down that rule of phone use because I know that social media is addictive that so many in Facebook are wasting the whole day just for that activity. Maybe the parents should also warn their children on the excessive use of the phone for social media purposes because getting addicted to social media can ruin their studies.
I am not addicted to social media but one of my daughters is so addicted to it. To control her addiction we set a time when she could use her phone or not. We talked and decided that every 9:30 pm she will surrender her gadget so that she can sleep early. She is in grade 8 and I observed that her grades went down when we have not regulated her use of phone yet.
It's always best to limit the time of usage of social media because it will lead to unproductive day. It so tempting and hard to resist. Mostly of us loves to read and scroll every activity posted on social media. We are entertained and forget everything. ( Ha.Ha.Ha ) We must always be responsible and discipline in every aspect. I understand that what technology gives us is a great help to humanity. However, it should be use wisely and not be abused.
A lot of social media are designed to make their users stay in their application, scrolling through their feeds and opening their notification and message boxes. They embedded a computer algorithm into their application to display only what the users want to see. And their application will constantly notify the users so they would be tempted to open their app again. Thereby, repeating the cycle of wasting their precious time and reducing their productivity. So sometimes, the best way to avoid opening your social media is to deactivate your account or uninstall that particular app.