App Reviewing: Money Tree App.


VIP Contributor
It is absolutely and obviously doubtable that this app is legit and paying . Due to how unstable the app is , majority of individuals in the internet have made a lot of negative reviews about this app , some of them clear that the app is a scam and does not pay while others said that they are is legit and have been paying them for the past months and days . My scam site detector app is telling me that this app is legit and so I think it is legit , but one of its issues is that they pay out in this app is absolutely low and in order for you to any high and positive amount of money do you have to devote a whole lot of time so as to make your earnings worth your time spend .

The game on this app is interesting and no doubt addictive , and to be a member or user of this app you have to first of all download it on the Google app store or the Google play store depending on the type of smartphone or device you are using , after the app is being installed in your phone you must make sure to verify your own personally created account on it , through your email so as to be recognised as a valid and valued member and user so as to start playing games .