Are You Living A Fantasy When It Comes To Your Finances?


VIP Contributor
If you're not happy with how your finances are going, it might be time to take a good look at what's going on. You could have been living a fantasy and that could be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Maybe you think that if you just save more money, buy more expensive clothes and cars, or work harder, it will all magically work out in the end. Maybe you think that if you don't spend as much money on things like food and entertainment, then somehow your life will become more exciting. Or maybe you think that if your bank account is always full of money, then life will always be wonderful.

The problem is that none of these scenarios are likely to happen. The reality is that what happens in your life depends on many factors: how hard you try, how smartly you make decisions in relation to other people's needs and desires, how much time and energy you put into being successful… the list goes on and on!